
Fourth EuroNTA Workshop
in Budapest, 13 May 2010, 10.00-18.00
Venue: La Prima Fashion Hotel Budapest, Pesti Barnabás utca 6

9.30 Welcome and coffee
10.00 Backcasting National Transfer Accounts in Sweden from 1800 to 2009
(Thomas, Gustav and Miguel)
10.45 Changing patterns of economic life-cycle for Finland and Sweden
(Jovan, Reijo and Risto)

11.30 The Impact of Population Aging on Fiscal Policies in Germany
13.15 Age Reallocations through Public Transfers in Austria: An Analysis using National Transfer Accounts
14.00 The first and second demographic dividend in European NTA countries
(Joze and Alexia)
14.45 Coffee
15.15 NTA in the UK: Some applications
16.00 Introducing age into household satellite accounts
(Robert, Marton and Endre)
16.45 Coffee
17.15 Dissemination activities ECRP 2011
17.45 Summing up: what have we achieved so far, what comes next?


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