Presentations 8-9 Novemeber 2012
Jonathan Gershuny
National product and national utility - Accounts of Socio-economic Wellbeing from Time Budgets
Emilio Zagheni
A comparative analysis of time transfers between generations and genders
Johanna Varjonen
Value of home production - households of different age and composition
Gretchen Donehower
How sensitive are NTTA results to changing methodology. An example from the US
Alexia Fürnkranz-Prskawetz
The Public Reallocation of Resources across Age - A Comparison of European NTA Countries
Elisenda Rentería
How intergenerational transfers splits by gender in Spain
Marina Zannella
Time is money - An analysis of Italian production and consumption of unpaid domestic work
Fanny Kluge
The economic lifecycle by gender - results combining monetary and time use estimates for Germany
Jože Sambt
Intergenerational Transfers in Form of Unpaid Work in Slovenia
''Anne Solaz
Time transfers within households along the lifecycle - a NTA and gender perspective
Paper (Master Thesis) Statistical Models for Time Use Data - An Application...